The temperatures were a little cooler here in north Texas today, and I enjoyed being out in my garden. I trimmed back the Mexican sunflowers and dead headed the zinnias. This was the first year that I’ve grown the Mexican sunflowers, and I underestimated how big they would get. They, also, attract the hummingbirds and butterflies like the zinnias do. After I finished working in the garden, I got out my camera and took some photos of my flowers.
The Mexican sunflowers have grown high above the fence and tower over the zinnias.
Hot pink zinnias and the dainty, purple flowers of the garlic chives mingle together in the garden. Garlic chives emit a pungent odor and are edible.
Salvia,also, attracts the hummingbirds and butterflies and puts out a woodsy scent when brushed against.
Pale pink zinnias cluster together in the garden.
Profusion zinnias grow low to the ground in round bushes.
Mom’s gazing ball rests amidst the zinnias.
I walked around the outside of the fence and left Izzie in the yard.
A butterfly sipping the nectar from a Mexican sunflower.
In the vegetable garden, marigolds are planted next to the fall tomatoes. Asparagus fronds grow in the background.
Herbs and flowers growing in pots on the backporch. Bunnies have nibbled back the moss rose.
More herbs and flowers growing on the backporch.
Izzie is peeking around the periwinkles.
Tami’s turtle. My sister, Tami, gave our Mom this turtle for the backporch. Mom lived with me for a few years before she passed away. She enjoyed the garden and backporch, too.
These old fashioned petunias were started from seeds.
Izzie is keeping tabs on everything that’s happening out back.
Several pots of periwinkles fill an iron plant stand.
Mom’s bluebird. Tami gave Mom this bluebird that is poked into a pot on the backporch.
I hope you enjoyed seeing the photos of my flowers.