Pumpkin Granola

Pumpkin Granola

Over the holidays, I discovered Whole Foods 365 Pumpkin Spice Granola. It was deliciously yummy, but sadly only available during the winter holidays. So, I decided to experiment with Tara's Homemade Granola to see if I could make my own Pumpkin Granola that I can...

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House Reno Part One

House Reno Part One

Hi Everyone! Life at our house has been very busy, and it's soon going to get very messy. We're about to begin a whole house reno. Last fall, I decided I wanted the kitchen and laundry room cabinets painted. Here are a few photos before the work started. This picture...

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Happy Spring!!!

Happy Spring!!!

Happy Spring!!! I'm so glad spring is here. I love to explore around the backyard, and since Mom has work in the yard to do, I get to be outside more. I'm always on the lookout for intruders. People walk by with their dogs on the greenbelt path, and I have to sound...

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AmazonFresh Grocery Delivery

AmazonFresh Grocery Delivery

Bright and early this morning, my groceries were delivered to my front door. At 7:20 AM, the deliveryman from AmazonFresh rang my doorbell. Just barely out of bed, I greeted him in my pajamas. He dropped off three large bags filled with fresh produce and frozen food...

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Italian Bean and Pasta Soup

Italian Bean and Pasta Soup

The temperatures have been up and down a lot this winter, and I feel like we’ve had more cold weather than normal for north Texas. When the temperatures dip, I like to make a pot of homemade soup to warm me up. One of my favorites is this Italian Bean and Pasta Soup....

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Vacation on Hilton Head Island

Vacation on Hilton Head Island

In January, Izzie and I vacationed on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina for a couple of weeks. We drove 1145 miles across east Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia through rain and a little sleet and snow. As we traveled to and from South Carolina, we were...

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Happy Holidays from Izzie

Happy Holidays from Izzie

Happy Holidays!!! I had a great Christmas. How about you? Our outdoor Christmas tree is in the backyard so all of the neighbors on our greenbelt can see it. Grandma liked looking at the Christmas tree, so Mom puts it up every year so Grandma can see it from heaven. We...

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh what a beautiful Thanksgiving day! It's so nice outside, I don't want to come inside. But, Mom says I have to. Darn! I hope all of you get to spend time with your friends and family today. I’m going to stay home and take a nap while Mom spends Thanksgiving with...

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