On the third Sunday of the month, Kimzey’s Coffee Shop opens its arms to local...
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My Crape Myrtles are in Bloom
I arrived home last evening after visiting my sister in Iowa for a few days....
A Day at Lake Okoboji
I'm in Sioux City, Iowa this week visiting my sister, Tara. We, along with her...
The Texas Book Festival 2016
In the fall of 2016, my sister, Tami, and I, attended The Texas Book Festival...
Vino Amores Wine Tasting Club
Once a month, I get together with my Vino Amores Wine Tasting Club. We’ve been...
Cheers to the Guys on Father’s Day
My Dad loved to read, and for Father's Day, my sisters and I often gave him...
The Not So Fabulous Apple Raisin & Pecan Bundt Cake
Because of the rainy weather here in Denton yesterday, I was stuck inside, so...
Izzie’s Obedience School Graduation
Woof! Woof! Pat me on my back. Scratch my tummy. Tell me I'm a good dog. I...